Attach anything you want wherever you want with our unique attachment technologies.

LumeoLoop™ can be attached to any fabric, thick or thin. Therefore, the possibilities are endless for anyone to use it with wearables, as an e-textile connector through LumeoLoop™ Conductive or in other devices worn visibly or hidden.
LumeoGrip™ can be attached to fur and hair, even very short fur. The focus of LumeoGrip™ is on horses, pets and cattle, which enables pet owners and farmers to keep track of their animals' whereabouts and wellbeing.
LumeoPad™ is a reusable non-invasive attachment to skin. It can be used in the medical field with glucose monitors, EEG sensors, health monitoring, fitness, and sports performance trackers, gaming sensors, and more.
LumeoLoop™ creates a temporary seam in the fabric when the lever is pushed. Push it again, and you can remove it without leaving any marks on the fabric.
LumeoGrip™ uses microgrip technology to harmlessly grab onto the hair or fur. You attach and detach with a simply push.
LumeoPad™ utilise the power of nanomaterials with mechanical structures to allow full control and strength when attaching sensors on the skin.
The main benefit of LumeoLoopTM is the flexibility it gives the user. While other attachment solutions on the market force the user to use products in a certain way or in a specific place on the body, LumeoLoopTM allows the user to choose for themselves.
LumeoGripTM opens up the possibility to help pet owners and farmers understand their animals better and help farmers responsible for many animals to give them better conditions caring for them in a more time-effective way.
The benefits of LumeoPadTM are vast, with huge potential saving time and money to streamline health care, easing the stress on health care professionals while giving users more freedom but also increasing user experience in gaming,